Ultimate Cheat Plants vs Zombies
Ultimate Cheat Plants Vs Zombies
(1)First i'll teach you how to cheat no-dellay
ok now open Cheat Engine (all version)
select a process(plants vs zombies.exe)
start plants vs zombies and click "memory view" on Cheat Engine
search/find "JMP" example: "jmp 0061EA12",and right click go to address
change to "0048728C" click ok,now change the "add dword ptr [edi+24],01" to "add dword ptr [edi+24],200"
(double click,not go to address),exit/quit from memory view,and play look...your Plants vs Zombies!!!
(2)Second i'll teach you how to cheat coins
ok just doing like the first tutorial,open CE,Select Process!
write your money(write on CE) but you have to divide that money Example: 3400:10=340
the "340" write on CE,first scan if you get 1-4 address click Ctrl+click (click top to bottom)
and click red arrow,change to...Example: change to 999999999,and click ok/enter
freeze that,and buy anythings...!!!
(3)Third i'll teach you cheat "Tree Of Wisdom"
just do like first and second cheats,now buy 5/10 food for tree of wisdom
write 1 but should not be feed first,and click first scan,if you found thousands upon thousands
do this,after first scan feed the tree,write 2 on CE don't forget should not be feed first! if you found
thousands upon thousands or hundreds and hundreds,do like done as before,but after next scan feed your tree of wisdom,if you found 1-4 click Ctrl+click (click top to bottom),change as you like Example: 999999999,so you can use the secret key example: *Pinata*--> (press on keyword) on battle or mini-games,puzzle,surival,and adventure...
(4)Fourth i'll teach you cheat infinity sun(so easy)do like first,second,third cheats,now play adventure/mini-games/puzzle/surival/
everythings must be the same the sun first play is 50,write 50 on CE,and back to PVSZ(PlantVsZombies)
used or should be increased,example used: i'm used 50 for Sun flower = 0 so...how?don't worry
write 0 on CE click next scan,example increased: i'm get 25 sun so...what should i do? write 25 on CE
and click next scan if you found 1-4 click Ctrl+click (click top to bottom) change as you like Example: i'm change to 999999999 after that freeze so not to be exhausted!
That's all I know, so and thanks